Global Strength
I Literaly posses strength unparalled my acolades speak for themselves
I punched the moon
I can lift a zoid
I can suplex groudon
I can split the earth by moving a finger
I posses the power that can level cities in seconds
I smacked zeik with jupiter
The female entity that lives inside me the master of all things earth she is the voice inside of my head/soul when we fuse we become ragnarok an unstopable entity of strenght and power
Seismic Energy
This is the energy that leveld china and sanfransico in a matter of seconds if you get fluxuated with this you are screwed
Master of all things carbon
I can manipulate anything carbon based...i have set limits formyself so that i wont do anything cheap
Power Cosmic
i have obtained the power cosmic *see character description for details*
By the flick of a finger i can manipulate the earth to my whim
the ones that i have from the nightmare village