Null-Element- Normal chips used for standard Damage
Fire Element-Chips used to cause heavy damage
Good Against: Wood
Bad Against: Aqua
Aqua Element-Standard Damage chips.Slippery!!!
Good Against: Fire
Bad Against: Elec
Elec Element-Quick Chips with parazlyzing properties
Good Against: Aqua
Bad Against: Wood
Wood Element-Power if the Earth. Herbs and Spices..draining traits
Good Against: Elec
Bad Against: Fire
Sword Element-High Damage and speed!!! Slice and dice
Good Against: Wind
Bad Against: Break
Wind Element-Blow away your enemy and their focus
Good Against: Cursor
Bad Against: Sword
Cursor Element-Find your enemy and let em have it!
Good Against: Break
Bad Against: Wind
Break Element-Break through your enemies defense
Good Against: Sword
Bad Against: Cursor
Number Element-A trait based on improving power with numbers and precentages
Recovery Element-A trait based on healing!! Take your meds and shut up!!
Obstacle Element-A trait based on obstacles!! Own your little army or tools!!!